Insights and resources

Read our expert insights and resources to learn more about automating asset management processes, data management and how we’re supporting financial services transformation.

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White paper > T+1

Data automation: the workflow efficiency game-changer

New Coalition Greenwich report highlights the urgent need for tech and automation in capital markets.

White paper > Center of Excellence

Setting up a Center of Excellence

Read the whitepaper to unlock your potential with an Xceptor Center of Excellence.

Success stories > Confirmations

Automating the trade confirmation process

Discover how a global bank's successful, rapid automation of its trade confirmations process led to further rollout to another division.

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The operations revolution continues – 4 key takeaways from FIA IDX

Here are our four takeaways, and a welcome update, that we took from the 3-day derivatives conference.


Generative AI in financial services: an opportunity for operations

Generative AI and document intelligence offer immense potential for financial services companies – most notably for operations teams.


T+1 in the UK: ignore the clock

Now we know - T+1 is happening. What’s less clear, and where debate is raging, is whether the UK should align more closely with the US and implement ...


4 universal data challenges for Capital Markets (and how data automation can help)

Our cars can park themselves when we arrive at the office and ChatGPT can write emails for us - but many financial firms still receive faxes daily.


Data automation in 2024: 6 stats to know

As 2024 approaches, we wanted to understand the state of data automation in middle and back offices. Here are some interesting statistics we uncovered...


Unleashing the power of automation: redefining Capital Markets with data

Without data automation, Capital Markets firms will continue to deal with slow, inefficient processes and the never-ending remediation of errors due t...


Reflections on Sibos 2023

As the dust settles on Sibos 2023, I look back at the deliberations including the prospect of a frictionless T+1 settlement ecosystem, the role of AI ...


A strategic approach to tactical reconciliations

There will be times when business users require a tactical, efficient, and convenient reconciliation tool to solve a business need. EUCs respond quick...


Pitfalls of EUC reconciliation

EUCs are essential to your operations. But they represent risk. Learn how to identify and manage EUC risks across your business.


How to automate your 'tactical' reconciliations

Efficient and accurate reconciliations are critical for ensuring data consistency.


Taking control of your reconciliations: data, aggregation, validation and enrichment

For any reconciliation to operate effectively it must be provided with readable and complete data.


Taking control of your Reconciliations: achieving greater efficiency

Reconciliation is essential to client satisfaction and data consistency, where multiple copies of the same trade data are maintained across firms.


Reconciliations: Build the business case for change

Only a shift in mindset will bring about transformational change in reconciliations. Now is the time to make a difference to how the function operates...


Is reconciliation the problem or is it data control?

Capco's Jibs Ahmed threw down the gauntlet to Capital Markets firms – do data properly so that reconciliations don’t exist.